Trap the Mice Using the Global Sunflower Seed

Sunflower seeds are harvested from the flower head of the global sunflower seed plant. While the seed itself is encased in a black and white striped shell.

sunflower seeds are white and have a soft texture. You can eat the seeds raw, roasted or in other foods for their distinctive nutty flavor and high nutritional value.

Studies have linked sunflower seed consumption to a number of health benefits, including a reduced risk of conditions such as high blood pressure or heart disease.

They also contain nutrients that can support your immune system and boost your energy levels.

Some health benefits of sunflower seeds:

Reduce inflammation

For those with short term or chronic inflammation, sunflower seeds can have anti inflammatory benefits. Sunflower seeds contain vitamin E.

flavonoids and other plant compounds that can reduce inflammation. One study found that consuming sunflower seeds and other seeds five or more times a week led to lower levels of inflammation.

which also reduced risk factors for several chronic diseases.

Improve heart health

Sunflower seeds are rich in “healthy” fats, including polyunsaturated fats and monounsaturated fats. A three-quarter cup serving of sunflower seeds contains 14 grams of fat.

Studies have shown that consumption of seeds including sunflower seeds is associated with reduced rates of cardiovascular disease, high cholesterol and high blood pressure.

Support the immune system

Sunflower seeds are a source of many vitamins and minerals that can support your immune system and increase your ability to fight viruses.

These include zinc and selenium. Zinc plays a vital role in the immune system and helps maintain and develop immune cells.

Selenium also plays a role in reducing inflammation, fighting infection, and boosting immunity.

Increase energy level

While the high levels of protein in sunflower seeds help boost your energy levels right now, other nutrients like B vitamins and selenium can help you maintain energy.

Vitamin B1 (also known as thiamine) in sunflower seeds can help you convert food into energy that can keep you active throughout the day, and selenium can increase blood flow. and bring more oxygen to your body.

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