Morel Mushroom in India that Poisoned a Boy

Nutritional value of mushrooms
The protein content of fresh morel mushroom in india is more than double compared to other foods and vegetables except green peas. Cabbage and legumes including beans, peas and lentils are rich in protein.

In terms of protein, mushrooms are very high compared to some foods such as meat (14-20%), fish (15-20%), eggs (13%), cheese (25%) and bread (9%). They are located lower.

Protein digestibility in the nutritional value of mushrooms is an important factor in diet regulation. Experiments have shown that 71-90% of mushroom protein is digestible.

The presence of some amino acids in the daily diet is considered necessary. The composition of amino acids in mushroom protein has been announced by different researchers in the past years.

Mushroom protein has lower nutritional value compared to meat protein due to the lower amount of some amino acids.

Although mushroom protein is similar to meat protein in terms of Threonine, Valine and Phenylalanine compounds, it is somewhat lower than meat in terms of Isoleucine, Leucine, Iysine and Histidine compounds.Properties of edible mushrooms.


Methionine, Cysteine in mushroom protein is less than meat protein. In the nutritional properties of mushrooms, mushroom protein has a relatively.

higher amount of Tryptophan and Iysine than vegetable protein. In general, mushroom protein is intermediate between meat and vegetable proteins in terms of nutritional value.

After water, carbohydrates are one of the main constituents of edible mushrooms, and on average, they comprise 2.4% of the weight of fresh mushrooms in the nutritional value of edible mushrooms.

Mushrooms contain an average of 85 to 125 kJ/100 g of calories, while an adult needs about 10,000 kJ of calories per day. Compared to vegetables, mushroom carbohydrates play a small role in meeting the daily calorie requirement.

Lipids: Lipids are present in a very small amount in edible mushrooms (0.1 to 0.3% of the weight of fresh edible mushrooms).

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