Macaroni Per Kg Causes Hair Thinning

Pasta is an international food that is known all over the world. The origin of this dish goes back to Italy and it has many fans in Iran. The speed and simplicity of .

preparing this dish, along with its macaroni per kg deliciousness, has made this dish a popular and popular dish. To prepare it, it is boiled in some water and served with sauce after cooking

The sauce of this dish depends on the taste of people and is prepared in different ways, but the most common type in Iran is meat sauce.

The history of pasta
Macaroni or spaghetti is introduced as an Italian food, but it is interesting to know that pasta was first discovered in China. According to what is stated in the historical books.

in the distant years, a Chinese girl was preparing bread dough and while working, she talked with an Italian sailor. This conversation made the girl distracted and the bread dough hung from her desk in the form of strings.

The sun’s rays dried the dough strands and made them into their present form. The Chinese girl and the Italian sailor cooked dried noodles in meat broth and prepared a new and delicious dish.

The sailor’s name was Spaghetti. He put his name on the food and called it spaghetti. After returning from China, the sailor combined spaghetti with.

different seasonings and introduced this delicious food to the people of his country.

In the beginning, spaghetti was a simple food, but over time it got a different shape and image and was launched under different names such as pasta, lasagna, etc. Currently, there are more than 350 types of pasta in the world, the most popular of which is spaghetti.

Little by little, this delicious food made its way from Italy to other parts of the world and opened its place among the people of the world. The first pasta production workshop.

in Iran was launched in 1313. At that time, pasta was produced exclusively for foreign embassies and consulates, and only a few Iranians used it.

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