Light Weight Bricks Hyderabad Caused a Difference Between the Two Clans

Brick is one of the most widely used building materials in Iran.

Since ordinary light weight bricks hyderabad has a lot of weight, it makes the building heavier and as a result it is vulnerable to earthquake forces.

It is tried to improve the thermal insulation properties of bricks by reducing their density in addition to making them lighter.

One of the materials that is added as a porous additive to the raw materials of bricks is polystyrene foam.

In order for the compressive strength and water absorption of light bricks to remain acceptable for brick facades, the amount of polystyrene foam addition should be about 1%. .

By adding 1.5 percent by weight of polystyrene foam to the brick-making soil, the density of the body reached 0.98 grams per cubic centimeter.

the compressive strength reached 98 kilograms per square centimeter, and the water absorption reached 25 percent by weight.

Such a brick can be used as a normal load earing brick. By adding 2 percent by weight of polystyrene foam to the soil, the density of the body decreased to about 0.9.

grams per cubic centimeter, while the compressive strength reached about 69 kilograms per square centimeter. This type of brick can be used as a normal .

non load bearing brick. The thermal conductivity of light bricks made with 1.5% by weight of polystyrene foam was 0.36 W/m/°C, which is reduced by one third compared to ordinary bricks.

Research done in other countries

Airing with plastics is one of the methods of making bricks and clay blocks in industrialized countries. The method of lightening with polystyrene foam has a copyright called Proton.

in which polystyrene foam is used to create coarse porosity

Some brick production factories use prefabricated polystyrene foam, but for mass production, it is essential to have a foam production system.

The preparation and maintenance of polystyrene foam is subject to some reliable measurements, the instructions of which are prepared by consulting authorities.

insurance companies and fire departments. Such criteria should be considered during design. The raw material has a bulk density of approximately.

700 kg/m3 and is supplied in 125 kg barrels or one ton cardboard boxes. Styropor 500 P is an exemplary trade name. Barrels and cartons can be stored for approximately 6 months and.

4 weeks, respectively, without losing anything from aerating additives

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