Daily Consumption of Philippine Sweet Potato Improves Memory

Sweet potatoes are very useful for the health of the body sweet potato Philippine come in various shapes and colors, the core of which is yellow, white, and orange, and is rich in potassium, beta carotene, vitamin C.

and dietary fiber. Its sweet taste is also due to the presence of beta carotene. This plant is rich in potassium, magnesium, manganese, calcium and iron.

These minerals are necessary for the proper functioning of the body and the metabolism of enzymes. Sweet potato has about 10% sugar and 10% starch (potato starch) and its cultivation is popular in many countries.

sweet potato
Sweet potatoes in different colors

Dear ones, you can buy sweet potato seedlings from Fardin Kesht site.

According to the analysis done, it is clear that in addition to sugar and starch, sweet potato has some fatty substances and ipomaine, phytosterol, carotene.

chlorogenic acid and vitamins A, B and C. In China, its gland is used as a tonic for stomach, spleen and kidney. In India and China.

it is prescribed to strengthen people who are recovering from illness and also for people suffering from seasickness.

In the Malayan Peninsula, they make a drink from it to quench thirst during fever. In Indonesia, crushed sweet potato leaves are applied to burns and stiff joints.

Also, its stems and branches are tied on stiff rheumatic joints.

A type of sweet potato that has a red-brown tuber is useful for dysentery. In order to relieve the sap of the raw tuber of the plant.

they rub it on the burn. Its purple color is used in the treatment of diabetes.

In India, the root of the plant is used as a laxative, and the crushed branches of the plant are used as a poultice to treat boils.

Sweet potato is used as a tonic for stomach, spleen and kidney. Sweet potato is rich in potassium, magnesium, manganese, calcium and iron.

These minerals are necessary for the proper functioning of the body and the metabolism of enzymes. Sweet potatoes are a rich source of antioxidants.

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