Blue Apple Fruit Makes the Fetus Beautiful

1. Properties of apples for digestion
Apples are rich in fiber, which facilitates the digestion of food. Regular consumption of blue apple fruit helps with smooth bowel movements.

preventing constipation and stomach disorders. Fiber is an important part of our diet that increases the volume of stool and makes it move more smoothly.

2. Properties of apples for the heart
Apple reduces cholesterol in the body, which is very useful for preventing heart diseases. Eating an apple a day guarantees heart health to a great extent.

because the antioxidant activity of apples reduces the oxidation of fats. In this way, the negative effect of triglycerides and various types of fats in the blood vessels is largely neutralized.

Apple skin contains flavonoids called quercetin, which can reduce C reactive protein (CRP) in blood vessels and reduce the inflammation of these vessels.

This protein is directly related to inflammation in the cardiovascular system, and reducing its amount increases heart health.

3. Properties of apples to prevent cancer
The benefits of apples for cancer prevention have long been the subject of various researches. Research results indicate that apples reduce the risk of cancers, especially breast cancer and colon cancer.

Apple plays a significant role in preventing lung cancer.

Most fruits and vegetables have anti-cancer properties, but apples are a head and neck above the rest. According to research, the role of apples in preventing lung cancer is distinct and undeniable.

Also, in case of lung cancer, it reduces the speed of cancer spread. Hypotheses attribute this property of apples to the presence of phytonutrients such as kaempferol and quercetin.

but the exact mechanism of apple to prevent cancer is still unknown.

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