A  Matsutake Mushroom 2023 that Changes Color at Night

The issue of food is one matsutake mushroom 2023 of the most important issues in the world due to the high growth rate of the population.

and if the increase in population does not keep pace with the increase in production, the result will be poverty, famine, hunger and subsequently destruction .

Meanwhile, what is most critical is the lack of protein. As natural sources, edible mushrooms are rich in protein, calcium, phosphorus, vitamins (vitamins A, E, K, D) and essential amino acids.

Their protein content is 25-30%, which is in line with legumes and higher than vegetables and fruits. Sugar, starch and cholesterol are also low in them.

and this feature has made edible mushrooms a useful food for people suffering from diabetes.

In addition to the nutritional value of edible mushrooms, the economic benefit of their production is also discussed. Edible mushrooms do not have any waste, and in addition.


they are one of the largest producers of protein per unit area and time on the remains of agricultural products (5). Fungi decompose the remains of agricultural products such as .

Edible mushrooms have no competition with other plants and are not dependent on light, and they grow wild in nature in different regions of the world

from snow covered mountains to dry deserts and deserts, and in all kinds of pastures, forests and fields.

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