20 Uses of American Gilsonite that You Should Know

Bitumen is a black, paste like substance american gilsonite that is used in insulating moisture and making asphalt.

There are different types of bitumen, each of which has a specific application.

Bitumen is a black to dark brown hydrocarbon material that dissolves completely in carbon sulfide and carbon tetrachloride.

It is solid at room temperature, but as the temperature increases, it turns into a paste and then becomes a liquid.

Bitumen is a petroleum derivative.

crude oil:

Crude oil is a thick and inflammable liquid with a garlic brown or dark green or black color.

Oil is found in the upper layers of parts of the earth’s crust.

Oil contains a complex mixture of various hydrocarbons.

With the development and advancement of drilling technology in the middle of the 19th century and the technology of oil distillation and refining in the late 19th century and its use in non-fuel cases, an astonishing leap occurred.

Today, the petrochemical industry plays a fundamental role in meeting the general needs of the society.
Most scientists consider the origin of oil to be plants and organic organisms in early oceans.

The remains of animals and plants that lived in the sea environment millions of years ago have been buried by cotyledons and sediments over millions of years.

They have turned into oil under high pressure and temperature, lack of oxygen and long time.

If these conditions are present along with suitable reservoir rock, oil accumulates in a large amount in the oil basin.

If oil accumulates in a place, that place is called “oil pool”.

An “oil field” is obtained from the sum of several oil basins.

The porous rock containing oil is called “reservoir rock”.

All tips about bitumen stabilizers

Bitumen history
From the history and definition of bitumen, it is believed that the name (Bitumen) is derived from the Sanskrit language and from the word (Jate) which means (Pitch).

It is also claimed to be the Latin equivalent of Pixtu-men, which was later shortened to Bitumen and then entered English from French.

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