Treat Your Insomnia with Black Cumin in Pakistan

Black cumin is a herbaceous plant, biennial, with a maximum height of 60 cm (especially its flowering stems are longer than the others and reach 60 cm).

The stems are grooved black cumin in pakistan and hollow that branch from the base area (on the ground).

The leaves have thin and narrow cuts in pale green color. The flowers are small, white or pink, and in the form of an umbrella-like group (compound umbrella).

The spindle shaped oval fruit of the plant is up to 2 mm in diameter and 6 mm long, yellow-brown or chocolate in color with 5 shallow grooves. These fruits are very aromatic (especially when crushed) and spicy and burning.

Due to the extensive cultivation of black cumin in different parts of the world, many varieties have been obtained, which differ from each other in terms of size.

color and to some extent effective ingredients. The edible and medicinal part of the plant is the fruits.

Black cumin is cultivated in Iran (especially Kerman, Northwest, Nahavand and nearby areas of Alborz), Africa, India, warm areas of Europe and various parts of Asia.

Temperament: The second is hot and dry
Different properties of black cumin plant:
Blend softener, anti flatulent, corrects flatulent foods, useful in treating shortness of breath and heart palpitations caused by coldness.

warming the stomach and eliminating excess moisture, anti hiccups, burping, appetite suppressant, anti-vomiting, It causes abdominal and colic pain, anti worms and digestive parasites, diuretic, reduces semen.
Black cumin prevents the stomach vapors from rising to the brain, and therefore it is useful in the treatment of colds, pharynx and nasal secretions, headaches and dizziness.
Sitting in water in which black cumin has been boiled is effective in curing uterine pains.
Eating too much black cumin may cause eye weakness.
Masleh is black cumin, honey, thyme and catnip.

The view of common medicine for black cumin:
Cumin seeds contain oily substances, tannins, flavonoids, resins, sugar compounds, and most importantly, essential oil. High-quality and fresh cumin seeds contain more than 6% essential oil.

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