Pineapple Calories Relieves My Toothache

Nutrients and vitamins in pineapple
Pineapple is an important source of numerous health benefits, including bromelain, protein, carbohydrates, sugar, and soluble dietary fiber.

Vitamins in these fruits include pineapple calories vitamin A, vitamin C, beta carotene, thiamin, vitamin B5 (pentonic acid), vitamin B6, and folic acid

  • Properties of pineapple:

Properties of pineapple for skin and hair
Before using any mask on the face and sensitive areas of the body, rub a small amount of it on the skin of your hand for at least 20 minutes to make sure you are not allergic to it.

1. Facial acne treatment
Vitamin C in pineapple reduces skin inflammation and helps treat acne and pimples, also bromelain in this fruit increases the anti inflammatory properties of vitamin C and treats pimples and pimples.

2. Removing skin wrinkles
Pineapple fruit strengthens the synthesis of collagen in the body, which makes your skin stronger and more flexible, reduces skin wrinkles and rejuvenates the skin of the face.

Pineapple mask for face skin
Every night, apply pineapple juice on the skin of the face and massage well, wash it with water after 10 minutes.

3. Exfoliation of the skin
To clean and exfoliate your skin, apply chopped pineapple on your face, pineapple removes dead skin and increases blood flow and exfoliates your face.

4. Treatment and healing of wounds
Vitamin C in pineapple plays a key role in the production of collagen and therefore increases the speed of wound healing.

5. Treatment of cracked feet
Pineapple fruit is useful for treating dry and cracked feet and prevents scaling of feet.

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