5 Useful Ingredients in White Onion Per Pound that You Must Know

Getting to know the history of onions
The ancient origin of onion is the western and eastern regions of Asia. The variety of onion species found around the world means that onions.

were taken from Asia to other continents and cultivated by different farmers. China has started growing and consuming white onion per pound and exporting them since 5000 years ago.

Onion was a sacred and respected fruit in ancient Egypt, and the reason for that was its circular, layered and concentric shape. This vegetable has been so sacred and popular that several onions were always buried with the dead.

In the medical document Charaka Samhita, from the 6th century BC, onion is mentioned as a medicinal plant. A Greek physician named Dioscorides .

documented the methods and benefits of onion consumption in the first century AD. Also, Ibn Sina, an Iranian physician, has mentioned the medicinal and health properties of onions.

Introduction to types of onions
Types of onions

Onion is the only plant that is used all over the world to prepare most of the foods. Wherever you are, you will rarely find a dish that does not contain onions

There are different types of onions and today we are going to learn about the most common types.

Yellow onion: This type of onion has an ivory white texture, its skin is brown and it has a strong aroma, similar to sulfur.
Sweet onion: This onion has a thin and slightly opaque skin and is larger than other onions.
Red onion: If you like sweet and mild onion.

red onion is the right choice. The skin of this purple onion is bright and you can easily eat it raw.
Shallots: Shallots are much smaller than onions, have brown skin and purple flesh.
Green onion: This type of onion is actually immature and has not yet started to grow.
Leeks: Its appearance is similar to chives.

but in a much larger size. This vegetable is used in preparing sauces and soups.

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