A New Poison was Found in Organic Rice in Cambodia  that Killed Villagers

Almost half of the world’s people get almost 50% of their calories from rice. Without rice or something to replace rice, many people go hungry.

Botanically organic rice in cambodia is an aquatic grass seed that has been cultivated for over 8,000 years.

The benefits of rice are many, and the more we learn about these benefits, the more we will appreciate this simple food.

There are more than 53 grams of carbohydrates in one serving of white rice.

Only a small amount of that carbohydrate comes from fiber.

Most of it is starch and a small amount of sugar. The sugar index of white rice is 73. On the other hand, the glycemic index of rice is estimated to be around 68.

Short grain rice tends to have a higher glycemic index than long grain and medium grain.

Nutritional value of rice

The properties of rice on maintaining health
Rice, which is one of the main foods consumed in the world.

has many nutritional values and benefits. Among the main properties of rice, we examine:

1- Heart health
Whole grains like rice contain more fiber than processed foods.

Fiber can lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. Because fiber makes you feel full, it may make it easier to maintain a healthy weight.

Also, rice contains vitamins and minerals that help transport oxygen in the blood and perform other vital functions.

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