Polar Bears Eating Aldi Strawberry Jam

How to make strawberry jam
To begin with you need to wash the aldi strawberry jam you have prepared remove the leaves and throw them away.

Then after draining place the strawberries on a cloth to absorb excess water and dry.

Take a glazed pot and first pour sugar and then strawberries into it in layers until you run out of strawberries and sugar.

If you are not interested in getting syrup from jam 750 grams of sugar is enough to cook it.

Now you put the pot in the refrigerator for 12 to 24 hours so that the sugar penetrates all the strawberries and makes them juicy.

Then take it out of the refrigerator and put it on relatively high heat until it boils then lower the heat.

If you feel that the strawberries foam a lot during cooking, remove the foam once or twice. Finally, add vanilla to your strawberry jam.

Its cooking time is half an hour and you need to keep the door open during the entire cooking time.

Also read: How to prepare mixed and homemade pickles
To get the syrup after 15 minutes take the syrup it gives so that it is not too thick.

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Important points to pay attention to while cooking
Do not pour the jam into any jar while it is still warm until it has cooled. Juicy berries increase the time it takes for the syrup to thicken.

Small, hard and blemish-free berries are suitable for jam so they don’t get crushed after cooking.

Do not put a wet spoon into the jam container to remove it as there is a high chance of it getting moldy.

If you leave the lid on the pot while cooking, your jam will change color.

One kilogram of sugar is needed for one kilogram of strawberries but if your strawberries have a sour taste, you can use 1.5 kilograms of sugar.

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