10 Properties of Queen Cake in Kenya that You Should Know

Sometimes we get so used to queen cake in kenya some simple and ordinary cakes that we forget what kind of cakes there are to cook and try, and we are oblivious to them.

This article from Express Mag is for you to familiarize yourself with different types of cakes. Cakes are divided into different categories based on the ingredients and cooking method.

چand if we want to make a complete list of them, we will have to give you a headache for hours. In this list of cakes, we will introduce you to various types of simple cakes .

chocolate cakes, birthday cakes, sponge cakes, etc., so that if one day your inner confectioner wakes up and go for one of these options.

1. sponge cake
Sponge cake is one of the oldest types of cake that is prepared with egg white, flour and sugar, the texture of this cake is very light and has a lot of fluff.

One of the main characteristics of sponge cake is the large and small air holes that can be seen in the texture of the cake. This type of cake is used as a base in the preparation.

of various desserts and is decorated with cream, chocolate coating, jam, etc. Sponge cake was invented in the 19th century and quickly became a popular cake all over the world.

1. Sponge cake
2. simple cake
A simple vanilla cake is a cake that is prepared with the basic ingredients of a cake, namely oil, flour, sugar, baking powder, etc. The difference between plain cake and sponge.

cake is in the use of baking soda and baking powder and how to add eggs. In simple cake, the yolk and white are mixed together in the cake and the cake has a soft and slightly cohesive texture.

Simple cake can be made with vanilla, cocoa powder, vanilla or cinnamon. This cake is used to make birthday cakes, all kinds of breakfast or evening cakes, or any other occasion.

You can decorate the simple cake with green and red cream as a Yalda night cake or other suitable ones.

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